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Published : 2019-10-01 01:11:38 - Categories : Expos
From October 10 to November 23, 2019 !!!! prolongation until 26 november
Opening on Thursday, October 10 from 17h to 19h.
Exhibition by Silvana Solivella
Immersion in an aquatic world through themes dear to the artist: trace, nature, time, explore in this series a liquid substance, a state of transition, a passing vision, a shape in the making. The series consists of drawings, paintings and sculptures. A field of multiple plastic exploration, with the possibilities of plural dialogue. Salt, vegetables, rain, glass are spoken under their formal identity. Everyone plays her score in the poetry of the randomness of this ecosystem.
The painting brings out landscapes with wide or narrow angles. Stones, plants, and suggested objects emerge in a fusion of opacity and transparency. They appear as if they would come out of an abyssal world, distant and secret. The pictorial is built of layers, layers, elaborated without primer, on the canvas. The work oscillates between appearance and disappearance.
The drawing captures other nuances of this same aquatic world. The line goes to the essential, then appear the gouaches or pastels. Tides, seasons, drawing makes it a spontaneous narrative.
The sculpture made of natural elements such as salt, wood or fabric is shaped by the action of sea currents and wind, thus resorting to a process of crystallization derived from ancestral traditions related to conservation and to memory. These sculptures emerge as petrifactions, resurgences, gifts of the sea. They float in the middle of the liquid landscapes that the paintings experience.
The set is a device that touches the heart of each person's feelings. Between abstraction and figuration, her work unfolds a narrative not only biographical but also universal.
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