Published : 2020-06-23 01:36:50 - Categories : Expos


From June 25 to August 29 2020

Exhibition by Thierry Feuz

Opening in the presence of the artist on Thursday 25  June from 5pm to 7pm. 

From the outset, what strikes the eye when we observe the work of the visual artist Thierry Feuz, is the profoundly aesthetic dimension of his work. If the compositions are harmonious, the colors full of vitality and the pleasing patterns, let us not be mistaken, the universe represented is not purely ornamental.

The titles of the artworks are enigmatic and, rather than offering an unequivocal reading key, further thicken their mystery. We quickly understand that we need to go beyond our predetermined categories to apprehend with accuracy the abundant work of the artist.

His work takes us into other dimensions. On abstract backgrounds far from any natural realism, flowers rise joyfully while others plow and appear about to fade. The decrepitude and mutation are not far away, as if what is depicted was seized in a transient state.

The animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom are freed from any scale and hierarchy. Flowers, jellyfish and bacteria dance/float in a pacified cosmos. 

The sumptuous works of Thierry Feuz offer the viewer a unique experience: to contemplate both a kind of ideal galaxy and its inner world.

Excerpt from a text by Laure mi-Hyun Crozet, writer and art critic.

In recent years, the artist questions the nature that surrounds him, questions his mutations and redefines it in a space that navigates between the infinitely near and the infinitely far. He groups his paintings in series, named «Psychotropical», «Gulfstream», «Supernatural» or «Technicolor», to perceive this game of scales, as if the images were passing under imaginary microscopes. Through this almost scientific approach, he examines instability and perspective and reinvents nature through this combination of abstraction and figuration.

Thierry Feuz 

Born in Vienna in 1968, Thierry Feuz studied at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (HEAD) in Geneva and at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. He now lives and works between Geneva and Vienna.

Thierry Feuz has won several awards, scholarships and artist residencies and regularly exhibits in galleries in Austria, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, the United States, South Korea and Taiwan.

His works can be found in numerous private and public collections as well as in museums such as:

Pizzuti Collection, Columbus Ohio (US), Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Neuchâtel (CH), Fonds Municipal d’Art Contemporain, Genève (CH), Veijle Kunstmuseum, Veijle, (DK), Singapore Art Foundation, Singapore (SG), Musée de la Communication, Bern (CH), Museo Ettore Fico, Torino (IT), Sal. Oppenheim Collection, Zürich (CH), Wellington Management Company Collection, London (GB), Meeschaert Asset Management, Paris (FR), Crédit Suisse, Zürich (CH), Computer Associates, New York (US), Bank Julius Bär, Basel (CH), KBL (Switzerland) LTD, Geneva (CH), Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprises, New York (US), Mediterranean Bank Plc, Valetta (MT), Nordea, Copenhagen, (DK), Lego Group, Billund, (DK), Winterthur Assurance, Lausanne (CH), Crédit Agricole, Neuchâtel (CH), Crédit Suisse, Basel (CH), Clariden Leu, Zürich (CH), UBS, Genève (CH).


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